

AWANA Children’s Club

The name AWANA is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15, ‘A Workman And Not Ashamed.’ All the children have handbooks they study to help them learn the Bible better on their own level. The AWANA ministry is designed to be very practical, teaching Bible truths such as the importance of listening and how Noah followed all that God wanted Him to do. Another important truth from God’s Word that children are taught is the importance of choosing. We all make important choices: friends, books to read, places to go to have fun, whether to go to Church or not, etc. The Bible teaches us to make decisions with God in mind (Proverbs 3:5-7). Our AWANA time is also set up with a game time, snack time, and prizes. In our game time, we try to teach the children to be respectful of others, that is, to be fair, have fun but don’t be mean, and think about if Jesus would want me to say or do something? Children ages 4 to 14 years old may participate in AWANA on Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.

Bible study and Prayer meeting

The Lord tells us much about prayer in His Word. One of my favorite passages about prayer in God’s word is Matthew 26:41. Jesus tells us to “watch and pray that you enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.” God urges us to be about prayer. Jesus warned in Luke 18:1 that we faint because we are not prayerful. It truly is a blessed occasion to be in prayer together with the brethren. On Wednesday evening from 7:00pm to 8:00pm, we gather together in prayer and have a short Bible study time. Jesus tells us in Hebrews 4:16 “to come boldly to the throne of Grace to obtain mercy, and find help in time of need.” You are invited to come with us before the throne of grace and worship our Lord in the blessedness of prayer.

Self-Defense Ministry – Stranger Danger

If a stranger pulls a child or an adult into an alley or car, then what do you do?  This class will equip you for such a situation. The pastor’s wife instructs the class, teaching how to deal with danger and how to avoid it. There is also a 10 to 15 minute bible study afterwards. This is an important ministry. People who ordinarily would not come to church come to this program and hear God’s word; hopefully, it will affect their lives in many ways. This class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. People are really learning defense skills and having fun while doing it. The second class offered is called Kung Fu. This class has a different teacher, but the goal of the class is the same as the above. This class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.

Men’s Fellowship, Hessville Restaurant

The purpose of our men’s group is to encourage and strengthen each other. God loves us and desires to bless our lives for the express purpose that we might be a rich blessing to one another (1 Peter 2:9). This is true with the men’s fellowship. We meet regularly on Saturdays from 8:00am to 9:15am at Hessville Restaurant, 6737 Kennedy Ave, Hammond, IN. Sometimes someone may have a particular question or maybe a comment that leads the group as we seek to find out what God’s Word has to say regarding their question or comment. Everyone is welcome to share personal needs.

Gospel McDonalds

Our church gathers every second Thursday from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at McDonalds, 3639 169th St, Hammond, IN. Everyone is welcome to come.

Gospel McDonalds has three goals:
1) Come with an attitude of prayer, praying for one another and for people who come to McDonalds
2) Enjoy quality fellowship together
3) For souls to place their trust in Jesus alone for forgiveness of their sins

We pass out literature to customers in a very respectful way. We also do a lot of singing from our hymnal. After this, our Pastor shares from God’s Word. After the Bible message, we enjoy guitar-played gospel music for a while. The evening ends with singing and prayer.

Pro-Life, the Hill

Every first and third Friday of the month, several of our church members meet at 11:00am to go to Planned Parenthood in Merrillville, IN. We gather together for prayer, and we inform those entering Planned Parenthood that there is a clinic that can help them. Literature is passed out, and we tell them about Jesus and how He came to seek and to save that which was lost (Matthew 1:21). We close in prayer and thank God that we can be used to make a difference for His purpose. Our pro-life ministry operates from 11:00am to 1:30pm.